Our Therapist

Meet the people behind the premium therapy services provided at A&A Physical Therapy Associates, Inc. They are licensed and trained to provide evidence-based, skilled, and customized physical therapy treatment to attain patients’ goals and needs.

Smita Parikh, PT, BS

Founder and Owner

She is a licensed physical therapist in the state of New Jersey and has been an active member of the American Physical Therapy Association and NJ Chapter since 1988.

She is certified in LSVT Big Therapy; she is also a McKenzie Specialist and has an extensive background in Myofascial Release, Muscle Energy Techniques, Mulligan Techniques, Kinesio Taping, Trigger Point Release, Manual Therapy, Soft Tissue and Joint Mobilization, and Maitland Techniques. She has expertise in Orthopedic Rehab, Vestibular Rehab, Neurological Rehab, and Fall Prevention for the elderly.

Adarsh Parikh, PT, DPT, CSCS

Adarsh Parikh graduated from the University of the Sciences/Saint Joseph’s University in 2019 with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy. He has a background in Athletic Training at Boston University, working with MIT Collegiate DI Football and DI Soccer teams. Adarsh also has experience working at different physical therapy clinics in New York City, such as Professional Physical Therapy and New York Therapy/Wellness, with a diverse patient population of all ages. 

Adarsh interned at Indesa in Sabaneta, Colombia, working with collegiate and club soccer/basketball teams, showing his passion for working in underprivileged countries and his ability to speak Spanish. He continues to refine his skills by attending seminars while having an extensive background in Kinesio Taping, Strength and Conditioning, Vestibular Rehabilitation, Fall Prevention for the Elderly, Manual Techniques for the Cervical and Lumbar Spine, Myofascial release, Muscle Energy Techniques, Mulligan techniques, Trigger Point Release, and Soft Tissue/Joint Mobiliz.

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